Why It’s Important to Choose a Video Marketing Agency That Understands the Buyer’s Journey and Can Put Together a Coherent Content Strategy

Nowadays everyone is claiming themselves to be a marketing, social media or a branding expert. *rolls eyes* 

Yes the tactics are bountiful and there’s “easier” ways to get your name and business out there into the digital universe but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s going to be effective. If you hire any time of marketing, social media or branding “expert” and aren’t getting any additional good sales or leads… Case in point…

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“Video is the most expensive form of content that you can invest in”

Video marketing in particular, you do NOT want to pick the wrong team as video production is the absolute most expensive form of content you can invest in.

Video marketing has become an essential part of any successful marketing strategy, and for good reason. Video content is engaging, informative, and highly shareable, making it a powerful tool for reaching and engaging your target audience. However, creating effective video content requires more than just good production values. To truly succeed with video marketing, you need a video marketing agency that understands the buyer’s journey and can put together a coherent content strategy that speaks to the psyche of your avatar.

Understanding the Buyer’s Journey

The buyer’s journey is the process that a potential customer goes through as they become aware of, consider, and ultimately purchase a product or service. This journey typically consists of three stages: awareness, consideration, and decision. At each stage, the potential customer has different needs and motivations, and your marketing strategy needs to reflect these differences.

A video marketing agency that understands the buyer’s journey can create content that speaks to your potential customers at each stage of the journey. By tailoring your content to the needs and motivations of your target audience, you can create a more effective and engaging marketing campaign that is more likely to convert viewers into customers.

Coherent Content Strategy

In addition to understanding the buyer’s journey, a video marketing agency needs to be able to put together a coherent content strategy. This means creating content that is consistent in tone, messaging, and visual style, and that speaks to the core values and interests of your target audience.

A coherent content strategy is essential for building brand awareness and establishing your business as a leader in your industry. Without a coherent content strategy, your video content can end up feeling disjointed and confusing, wasting your time and money.

Speaking to the Psyche of Your Avatar

Finally, it’s essential that your video marketing agency understands the psyche of your avatar. Your avatar is the ideal customer for your business, and understanding their needs, desires, and pain points is crucial for creating effective video content.

A video marketing agency that understands your avatar can create content that speaks directly to their needs and motivations. By tailoring your content to your avatar’s psyche, you can create a more effective and engaging marketing campaign that resonates with your target audience and drives real results.


When choosing a video marketing agency for your socially responsible business, it’s essential to choose an agency that understands the buyer’s journey, can put together a coherent content strategy, and speaks to the psyche of your avatar. By doing so, you can create video content that engages your target audience, builds brand awareness, and drives real results for your business.

Contact Nine Mile Creative for a free marketing assessment to learn how you can maximize the dollars and results you are getting from your content creation budget.